Monday 22 September 2008

Tuesday 16 September 2008

properties of hardwoods and softwoods

origin: Burma, India
hardwood: yes
hardness: hard
weight: heavy
strength: strong
durability: high
suitable for exterior work:yes
tendency to move: low
suitability for turning: good
ability to be steam bent: intermediate
ease of planing/cutting: hard
finishes well: yes
origin: according to country of origin
hardwood: yes
hardness: hard
weight: heavy
strength: strong
durability: high
suitable for exterior work: yes
tendency to move: intermediate
suitability for turning: good
ability to be steam bent: good
ease of planing/cutting: hard
finishes well: yes
origin: UK
hardwood: yes
hardness: intermediate
weight: intermediate
durability: low
suitable for exterior work: no
tendency to move: intermediate
suitability for turning: good
ability to be steam bent: good
ease of planing/cutting: intermediate
finishes well: yes

douglas fir
origin: north america
hardwood: no
weight: quite variable
strength: moderate to high
suitable for exterior work:
tendency to move:
suitability for turning: good
ability to be steam bent:
ease of planing/cutting:
finishes well:

scotts pine
origin: Russia, Scandinavia, UK
hardwood: no
hardness: intermediate
weight: intermediate
durability: low
tendency to move: intermediate
suitability for turning: intermediate
ability to be steam bent: poor
ease of planing/cutting: easy
finishes well: yes

western red cedar

origin: Canada, USA, UK
hardwood: no
hardness: soft
weight: light
strength: weak
durability: high
suitable for exterior work: yes
tendency to move: low
suitability for turning: poor
ability to be steam bent: poor
ease of planing/cutting: easy
finishes well: yes

Wednesday 3 September 2008

Notes On Wood (2/9/08)
There are two types of wood, hardwood and softwood. Hardwoods are generally from deciduous trees whereas softwoods are generally from evergreen trees.
Hardwood: Oak, Ash, Beech, Yew, Walnut and Teak.
Softwood: Scots Pine, Spruce and Douglas Fir.
There are two methods of cutting trees, slab sawing (or plain sawing) and quater sawing (which has a variety of different methods).

Seasoning woods is a controlled drying of timber. It can be acheived either through natural seasoning or by kiln drying.

Monday 1 September 2008

I Wish I Never

I wish I never bought a w900i sony ericsson mobile phone. The screen was nice size as it was quite big and the phone swivled round to open which made the phone look pretty. It also had a really good camera and held alot of information on it. The phone also played videos and music really loudly and the radio was really good on it. It came with really nice headphones that were also loud and mini speakers to plug into it that were also a really good standard and very loud. The video calling was very clear and the reception on the phone was always good. The phone also held its charge well and aesthetically it was really good in my opinion.
The only downfalls with the phone was that it was quite large. When i first saw it on the internet it look nice but when vodafone sent it to me the phone was massive. When it was closed it wasn't too bad in length but it was still really chunky in width, it was like a brick. Also because it was white it got dirty very quickly. All together it was a good phone and i had it for 18 months but the size of it makes it the thing i wish i never bought as it was quite a nuisance to carry round.